Shocking New Report Reveals Britain’s Pollinators Are In Rapid Decline
- New State of Nature Report 2023 shows 18% decrease in pollinating insects
- England is the worst area of decline in the entire UK
- 16% of all species are threatened with extinction
- Environmental charity and salad brand team up to fight back against the decline
The leading scientific report on the state of the UK’s wildlife and natural spaces has revealed shocking stats highlighting that pollinators are in rapid decline in gardens and outdoor spaces in Britain. The newly released ‘State of Nature 2023’ report showcases an 18% decline in our key pollinating insects including bees and moths, both of which play a critical role in food production.
England is the worst affected area in Britain for the decline in pollinating insects, with over 22% disappearing since 1970. Shockingly, in the last 50 years, the spread across the country of over 5,000 invertebrate species has dropped by 13%.
In an effort to stem the tide of this decline and encourage Britons to appreciate the outdoors, the UK’s leading salad brand, Florette, and environmental charity Earthwatch Europe launched their ‘Pollinator Picnic’ campaign in May 2023. The campaign launched with the help of TV nature enthusiast Michaela Strachan and saw over 2000 pledges of action by concerned members of the public.
On encouraging pollinator spotting across the summer, Florette salad’s Head of Agronomy, Nick Walker said: “Over the last few years we’ve seen fewer bees and hoverflies in our gardens as biodiversity decline has taken hold of our landscapes across the country. Some people may not realise that bees and other pollinators are actually worth millions of pounds a year to UK agriculture and this continuing decline threatens food production.
“Wildlife starts on our doorstep and this summer our Pollinator Picnic campaign has seen pollinator-spotting picnics across the country and many Brits taking nature-friendly steps to combat the decline. Even small easy changes such as wild flowering an area of a garden can have a beneficial impact on reversing the loss of our vital pollinators.”
On the landmark State of Nature Report 2023, Josh Kubale from Earthwatch Europe said “This report is a grim reminder of the precarious position of wildlife in the UK. We rely on nature for so much and it’s vital that we do everything we can to protect it. Everyone can have a positive impact on the wildlife around them, from their gardens and balconies to local green spaces. At Earthwatch we’re proud to work with local communities to create more nature-friendly spaces where wildlife can flourish through our Tiny Forest and Naturehood programmes. With these committed communities and with supportive partners like Florette, we hope that the next State of Nature Report will show that we’re beginning to turn the tide for wildlife in this country and building a wilder future for future generations.”

To learn more about Florette’s sustainable initiatives including recycling of salad bags click here.